Hi there! My name is Meaghan Oates and I am one of the owners here at Little Tigers. Even at a young age I was babysitting or coaching cheerleading, and I knew from the start that I wanted to be an educator. I obtained my degree from Tarleton State University in Child and Family Studies. I have always enjoyed going to school and broadening my educational development, and at some point, I look forward to going back and receiving my masters in Curriculum and Instruction. My husband, Tad, and I met right here in Glen Rose at Chachi’s, so when we found out that we were expecting our first child we decided to leave Fort Worth and head back to his hometown. We now have two children, Alice and Moxon. We couldn’t imagine raising our children anywhere else. This community has made a huge impact on our lives and we love being able to give the children in Glen Rose a place to grow and learn.